Stegosaurus is an armoured dinosaur from the Stegosauridae family that lived during the Jurassic period, 145-155 million years ago. It belongs to the group of the first dinosaur fossils discovered.
The lands they roamed are now known as North America, but a recent discovery of a fossil in Portugal has shown that they also lived in Europe. Dinosaurs of this species could fend off Theroposes (carnivores) as large as Allosaurus or as clever as Ceratosaurus because of their tails and spines, but there was no room for mistakes in such battles.
The name Stegosaurus means 'roofed lizard' in Greek, referring to it's armour which was almost impenetrable.
These Bumbu Toys figures are made of maple wood from Romania, designed with love and care. It is polished, painted and oiled with water-based paints and organic oils. They are perfect for creating magical worlds from long ago and teaching children about all the different types of dinosaurs.
Measurements: L: 18cm x H: 7.5cm x W: 3cm
Age Guide & Safety: Recommended for 3 years+. We always advise that toys be checked prior to play and recommend adult supervision during playtime. Not suitable for children 3 years and over who still have a tendency to put things in their mouth.